With more than two decades of experience, the Natural Resources Management division is one of the thrust areas for IRTC. The division is providing technical support to a number of LSGIs in the preparation of watershed based master plan and implementation of holistic watershed development programmes/projects all over the state. On the water conservation front, the division has expertise in pond renovation; stone pitched bunds, earthen bunds, live fencing, contour trench, moisture conservation pits, mulching, etc. As a recognition of the NRM’s division intensive intervention in the watershed development. Government of Kerala has approved IRTC as an accredited agency for watershed planning of local bodies in Kerala.
NRM division is also a strong hand of NABARD in their planning and implementation of projects in Kerala. As a Project Facilitating Agency and Technical Support Organisation, NRM division could make its footprint in the planning and implementation of NHDP programmes in Palakkad district. It has also provided leadership to the programmes such as the formation of Farmer Producer Company, promotion of water conservation campaign and in supporting the institutional sustenance of watershed committees. NRM division has proven its expertise in tribal development programme, particularly through the implementation of NABARD supported Tribal development project WADI in Attappady, Palakkad and Nilambur, Malappuram.
The NRM division also holds the legacy of introducing participatory resource mapping in Kerala. NRM division could lead the training programmes on watershed development under the People’s Plan Campaign. It has also given leadership to the participatory planning activity which has immensely contributed in evolving the methodology of the peoples planning campaign. The division has extensively supported local bodies across the state in developing their watershed master plans and plans for the implementation of MNREGS.