Haritha Sahaya Sthapanam

In the year 2019-20, IRTC took a major responsibility of Haritha Sahaya Sthapanam (HSS) for providing local level technical and managerial support to local self-government institutions such as Grama panchayats, Municipalities, and Corporations to successfully implement their decentralised waste management activities. HSS is a major supporting intervention envisaged to attain the major aim that is the “waste free Keralam” through the Haritha Kerala Mission. During 2019-20, IRTC had associated with 120 local self-government institutions. IRTC appointed Assistant Coordinators and Technical Assistants in each local body for the smooth functioning of waste management activities. This is further monitored by the Regional Supervisors. State Coordinator oversees the overall activities of local bodies throughout the state and provides necessary recommendation. The collection of plastic, other inorganic wastes, deliver the same to MCF, segregation of wastes, dispatching to storage/recycling centers are done under the guidance of squad members of Haritha Sahaya Sthapanam.

 In order to manage the operating costs of Harithakarmasena, there is a fixed fee levied from the users of the services. Revenue generated through the sales of waste give additional incomes for the local bodies. Training, technical and managerial assistance provided by IRTC at regular intervals helps all level of squad members to enhance their performance and deliver good results. The strategy set up by IRTC is to set up different committees under cluster, ward, panchayat level (a Cluster includes 50-100 Houses). Each committee coordinates respective operation in their locality and ensure the involvement of entire population within the cluster / ward / panchayat.

IRTC targets to achieve hygiene local bodies by conducting trainings, meetings and awareness programmes. Anthur Municipality (Kannur), Eramala Panchayat (Kozhikode), Purathur (Malappuram), Alathur, Puthupariyaram, Sreekrishnapuram, Ambalappara, Vellinezhi (Palakkad), Kunnamkulam Municipality (Thrissur) Alappuzha and Harippad Municipalities (Alappuzha), Kollam Corporation and Sasthamcotta Panchayath (Kollam) are elevated as model interventions during the last year. Due to lack of infrastructure (MCF, MRF), inadequate staff / board intervention, inadequacy of funds and shortage of active squad members some local bodies are behind our expectations. We are continuing the role of HSS by associating with local self-government for the year 2020 -21 also through engaging with them through proper memorandum of understanding.