Upliftment of the underprivileged sections of the society through knowledge sharing,
appropriate technology transfer and skill development
The mission is to bridge the gap between science and technology and the rural people by developing appropriate adaptable technologies and solutions that suit the local environment and extending the same to the underprivileged in the society. It involves conducting research, training and extension in all fields that touch the society including agriculture, land and water management, energy management, waste management as well as livelihood enhancement.

poor with the aid of science and technology. The institution has cohesively and tirelessly worked

The Beginning
IRTC was evolved from its activities as KSSP’s research wing in the 1980’s, and began its operation as an institution in 1987 at Mundur, Palakkad. It was later registered as a not-for-profit society in 1995. IRTC is a grant-in-aid institution of KSCSTE, Government of Kerala and was a core grant supported institution of DST, Govt. of India. We also received support from ICSSR, UGC, NABARD, Kerala State Planning Board and various government departments and undertakings. We also function as an accredited training centre of KILA, IKM, MPEDA, etc. and as a Project Facilitation Agency for various government undertakings.
IRTC was born out of a realization of the need to adopt the advances in science and technology to improve the social and economic life of rural folk. Development of appropriate technologies and promotion of rural technology was recognized as the vehicle for this purpose. The initial activities included development of innovations like the energy efficient smokeless chulha, biogas plants, watershed based programmes, etc. From these humble beginnings, IRTC has grown in size, scale and scope, widening its horizons of operation according to the growing demands of the community.
Over the years, IRTC has forayed into a number of areas like- Solid Waste Management, Resource Mapping, Application of GIS and remote sensing tools in resource mapping, watershed based development and natural disaster management, Watershed Based Development, Rural Engineering, Chemical Analysis, Gender Studies, Rabbit rearing, Aquaculture, Ornamental Fisheries, Mushroom Culture, Post-Harvest Technologies, Fruit Processing, Biomass Gasification, Planning & Development Consultancy, Education Research, etc. and has introduced an array of innovations and products including the energy-saving Hot Box, Electronic Ballast, Compact Fluorescent Lamps, Portable Domestic Biogas Plants, Small Hydro Power Projects, Solar Driers, Mechanised Potter’s Wheel, Pug Mill, etc.
Our products, ideas and innovations, including the smokeless chulha, hotbox, small hydel projects, grassroots planning initiatives, resource mapping, farmer-producer collectives, etc. have made an impact on rural lives. IRTC is on a constant lookout to expand its operations as responses to the demands of the society.
It has designed and implemented programmes and projects to further the stated objectives.
- To adapt technologies known elsewhere into forms which will be readily acceptable to the society
- To diffuse innovative practices and technologies and to develop a scientific culture among the masses
- To work out local level development plans with a focus on the vulnerable population
- To promote human resources and skill development
- To develop innovative methods and technologies in education and mass communication
- To organize, establish and run courses in Science, Technology, Rural Development, Rural Management and allied subjects and also to award Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates and to seek recognition from Universities, Governments, other bodies and organizations for the courses offered by the Centre
- To conduct lectures, seminars, short term courses, refresher courses and symposia and organize study groups, workshops and in-service training in the field relating to Science, Technology and allied subjects
- To undertake studies and consultancy services in the design, development and experimentation with respect to problems relating to agriculture and industry
- To work in close collaboration with the Kerala Sasthra Sahithya Parishad with a view of making the results of the research and study of the Centre available to Parishad and other similar organizations
Awards and Recognitions
- Best Exhibition stall under Non-Profits category, Kerala Science Congress- 2020
- Kerala State Energy Conservation Award, 2019
- 3R Excellence Awards for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) 2018
- Rural Innovators Award for Microwavable Terracotta- 2017
- Centre of Excellence in Waste Management by Govt. of Kerala 2016-2017
- Commendation for Mini Potter’s Wheel- Rural Innovators Meet, KSCSTE, 2015
- Kerala State Energy Conservation Recommendation Certificate, 2012
- Felicitation at the Ind-Expo Meet by Palakkad Management Association, 2011
- Recognition by Bharat Nirman Public Information Campaign