IRTC has ‘B’ grade certified laboratory under Kerala State Pollution Control Board. It is a well-equipped laboratory supporting various research and development projects on environment including waste management, water quality, soil quality and microbiology. Testing facilities for biofertilizers, biodyes, soaps and cosmetics are also possible. The laboratory facility of IRTC is unique in its composition, where integration of functions and operations is given more importance than disciplinary division. The rain gauge and weather station attached to IRTC are also managed by the laboratory. Quality analysis of Compost, Oil and Soap are also undertaken on demand. Major instruments include heavy duty oven, pH meter, UV spectrophotometer, atomic absorption spectrophotometer and automatic nitrogen analyser having infra-red digestion and distillation assembly.
Many post graduate and under graduate students from various educational institutions are making use of our laboratory facilities, especially in the area of Microbiology, Environmental science and Chemistry for their internship and project works.

Chemistry Laboratory
The water testing and soil testing lab at IRTC have higher implications in the health and agriculture sector. Apart from quality check, the physical, chemical and the biological parameters of water analysis is done here. The lab provide facilities for conducting the quality check of Grey Water also.
The soil analysis lab of IRTC helps in the analysis of all physical and chemical parameters of all soil types. There are equipments like atomic absorption spectrophotometer for accurate results.
The physical and chemical parameters of compost analysis is also being done.

Water Testing
The water testing lab has facilities to analyse pH, Electrical Conductivity, Total Dissolved Solids, Alkalinity Chloride, Total Hardness, Calcium, Magnesium, Fluoride, Iron, Dissolved Oxygen, Biological Oxygen Demand, Chemical Oxygen Demand, Total coliform and E. coli

Soil Testing
The soil testing lab has facilities to analyse pH, Electrical Conductivity, Dissolved Solids, Moisture content, Organic Carbon, Organic matter, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur and micronutrients.

Compost Analysis
pH, Electrical Conductivity, Moisture, Ash Content, Organic Carbon, Organic matter, Nitrogen, Carbon Nitrogen Ratio, Phosphorus, Potassium

Microbiology Laboratory
The microbiology lab works along with the SWM division in its various activities. The laboratory acts as a research centre in developing viable microbial solution for easy composting of biodegradable waste.
Various experiments and research on producing high quality mushroom spawns and diverse mushroom varieties are also done at the IRTC Lab.

Electronics Laboratory
The electronics lab of IRTC conducts lamp efficiency tests. It is also into the research of feasible and sustainable models of electronic devices. The lab works with the energy division for running various projects and training programmes.